So yes I am only going to make this a 6 parter. If you want it expanded then maybe I will. I know I haven't done this in a while...I'm just super busy. I know I said it might be a small it's going to be compltly joke! I can promise they will be breaking the fourth wall. Anyway on with the story!
Dr.Light called the police. He was put on hold. He waited for 3 hours. His beard was getting quite long. "I give up!" said Dr.Light. Just then Ice man and Guts man came in. "Hi doctor," said Ice man, "I came to see if Roll wanted to go out for lunch?"
"Mega man and Roll were kidnapped!" said Dr.Light, "besides, you can't do ask until #22 comes out!"
"Oh, dang," said Ice man, "who took them?"
"Lan," said Dr.Light, "he's from the Battle Network universe."
"Oh," said Guts man, "want us to go there, because I want to save Roll!"
"Why?" said Ice man, "she's MY love intrest!"
"Guts man is her's in the Battle Network universe," said Dr.Light, "so you two are even."
"Let's fight to see who goes!" said Guts man.
"Sounds fair...NOT," said Ice man. Guts man tackled Ice Man and they started to fight. "This could take a while," said Dr.Light.
I enjoyed this!